Gender Research Data Collections


How to use the database

The database lists Professorships in Gender Research/Gender studies in Full- or Part-“denomination”. A full “denomination” means the Professorship has an explicit focus on Women and Gender Studies (for example a “Professorship for Gender Sociology”) whereas a partial “denomination” means that the special focus is added as an appendix to the discipline (for example, a Professorship for Political Sciences “with focus on” or “with special consideration for” Women’s and Gender Research).

The database was developed through the constant monitoring of Professorships in German-speaking higher education institutions (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) and is updated constantly.

Through the general “search” function, you can perform searches based on different criteria and in multiple databases at the same time.

You can search based on different categories such as Denomination, Type of Employment, Areas of Study, Type of University/College, Country and State.

Finally, you can also share the results through a link.